Rusfeltets hovedorganisasjon

Interpretation services

Rusfeltets Hovedorganisasjon, the Norwegian Confederation of Addiction, is a distinguished national professional organization dedicated to substance abuse policy. Comprising a network of enterprises, user organizations, and support measures, their mission is to serve individuals with substance abuse issues.

A Unifying Vision: At the core of this organization lies a vision to gather, discuss, and communicate professional and user experiences, research findings, and the consequences of drug policies. Their aim is to foster the best possible conditions for organizations, professionals, and resources in the field of addiction.

The Conference Challenge: Rusfeltets Hovedorganisasjon had a major event on the horizon, a conference to be held at Vika Atrium in Oslo, attracting 160 participants from Norway and abroad. The diversity of attendees necessitated an essential element - a bridge between languages. To ensure every participant, regardless of their language, could engage fully, a Norwegian-English simultaneous interpreter was a must. It wasn't just about language; it was about making everyone feel heard and included.

Our Comprehensive Solution: With only two weeks’ notice, Rusfeltets Hovedorganisasjon reached out to us, seeking a total package that included not only top-tier interpreting services but also the necessary audio equipment. We recognized the importance of not just translating words but conveying the essence of the discussions.

The Success Story: Thanks to effective communication and close cooperation, the conference became a resounding success. The 160 participants, both from Norway and abroad, walked away satisfied, feeling heard and truly understood. The event achieved its goals and facilitated an exchange of ideas and knowledge that transcended linguistic boundaries.

In Conclusion: At Rusfeltets Hovedorganisasjon, our mission was not just to provide language services but to ensure that the conference was a platform for inclusivity and meaningful dialogue. We were honored to contribute to their cause and play a role in breaking language barriers.

As they continue to advocate for individuals with substance abuse issues, we remain committed to facilitating their message's reach, ensuring it resonates with a global audience.